Originally Posted by madmaxx
Be carefull with the infered guns, if the emmissivity value is off you reading will be off by 30 degrees. I am sure the default value is 1 which is good for a flat black surface. #2 the cheaper one, less than $30K it takes an average of temps, if you are 1 foot away it is probably averaging a 8" diameter circle so put it right up on the component. They are best used to check for realitive change not absolute temp, now get an IR camera looking at thousands of points we are differtn
Say what????
I agree with the guy that said you have a very efficient cooling system and the moving cold air is causing your driving temp to drop so low. To prove it, do what the truckers do in cold weather and block off the radiator opening completely with cardboard.
I just returned from Skiing in Utah and while driving my Jeep at night in 20 degree weather, my temp gauge never got anywhere near normal operating temps. Later in the day when the outside temp warmed up to 70 degrees, the Jeep went back to normal temps.
You're fine. Enjoy the drive!