The fuel supply system on the CSX4XXX is quite similar to the original cars.
Utilizing a fuel cell with 2 pickup tubes and 2 separate fuel supply lines, one from each pickup. One pickup in the fuel cell is higher in the tank than the other.
The primary pickup is the higher of the two and is fed to the carb via the engines' mechanical fuel pump.
The secondary fuel supply is the lower pickup in the fuel cell and feeds the carb. via dual electric fuel pumps. They were Stewart Warners if I recall correctly.
The reasoning was, since there was no fuel guage on the S/C cars, you would run the car on the mechanical pump until the driver noticed the fuel pressure drop on the guage. At that time the driver would flip on the electric pumps giving him a reserve of about 3-5 gallons and head for the pits or gas station.
B. Ewing
This is exactly how my car is plumbed and it works exactly as Bret described. I have an Aeromotive one-way inline valve on the "out" side of the mechanical pump with a Tee so it doesn't pressurize fuel back to the electric pumps. The "high" pickup is connected to the input on the mechanical pump and the "low" is connected to the aeromotive one way valve on the Tee at the mechanical "out" so I get the reserve effect. Never run them unless I want to pre-charge the fuel system if it has sat for a few weeks. Then turn them off and fire up with the mechanical.
Simple, reliable and it works. You must have some kind of short or a burned out pump. Sorry you seem to be having a bad time with this car.