Originally Posted by Ronbo
The DMV can go by invoice date as well as MSO (not to mention how many cups of coffee the DMV clerk had that morning), Shelby may not have sold this car until '67. The 427 cars production started in late '65 but none (I think) were sold/titled until '66.
Not to mention at that time you probably didn't care what year the DMV assigned.
This is a very interesting point, as I recall the SC's were created to get rid of race car chassis that were not selling and most, if not all, were sold in 1966 or later. For example, George Harm bought the Richard Smith car sometime in early 1966 and it was registered as a 1966 car by California DMV. At that time (1965/1966/1967) if you had a 1965 Cobra it was a 289. The race cars may have been considered 1965's but I don't know if any were registered as 1965 cars with any dept of motor vehicles since they were race cars, but some may have been. I have wondered where the 1965 designation came from unless it was related to the 3000 serial number vs.
3100 for 1966 and 3200 and 3300 for later cars. There is an advantage to a 1965 designation in that I don't believe it requires a PCV valve so that may be part of it. I am sure somebody on this Forum has the correct information and will share it with everyone. (The **** filter made me use Richard)