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Old 04-11-2009, 09:04 PM
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donraye donraye is offline
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Waikoloa, HI
Cobra Make, Engine: Street Beast "Grabber Orange"/Silver stripe w/418W 520HP full roller, T5. and: Backdraft #814 RT3B "Black Label" "Magic Black"/Sterling Grey stripe, 408W, full roller, 475HP, T5
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Default Thanks!

Originally Posted by wanab5150 View Post
It's pretty easy to find. The address is 312 E Bidwell, Folsom.

If you can find your way to Tahoe, Bidwell is off Hwy 50. You will pass Hazel and Folsom Blvd...then start looking for Bidwell. I would have waited for John (jrjmac1) to tell you but frankly...he has a hard time even finding the bathroom at night! It' a sad thing!

On a lighter note...Is Steve Hood still the Police Chief there? If so , ask him about the time he chased loose dogs around a Salinas neighborhood at 3AM and woke up the owners just to cite them for the loose dogs.....I think he drew a complaint on that one. He was a rookie at the time of course. I wish he would have come back to Salinas PD to be the chief there. He turned out to be a great leader. tom
Thanks Tom for the breakfast information. I will probably not be able to make this one but may try to drop in on one in the future. The 2 hour drive is a bit much as it would have me driving up in the very cold early hours which is not my favorite thing to do in the Cobra since I have no heater or top for it, at least until it's a bit warmer later this summer.
I do however plan on being at the May 2nd car show up at Yuba College, so perhaps I'll get to meet some of you guys up there.
As for the Police chief here: Yes, it is still Steve Hood. I do not know him personally but if I do ever meet him I'll remember to "carefully" mention the humorous "doggie incident" you noted and hopefully he will not arrest me for reminding him of it (lol).
Thanks again, Don
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