Andrei, Doug:
Many of our cars have chips from driving, so most of them would end up in the parking lot before the concours would probably allow us in.
Sounds like fun but it would be good to plan something we could all drive to and meet up at. Going towards the bay, I suspect anywhere we'd want to go the BACC folks have been there alot already. Any time BACC comes to Tahoe, its the same for us - it's in our back yard.
It would be fun to pick a half-way place somehwere they would enjoy, I agree. If anyone comes up with a good idea, I'm game. In fact, we are looking at doing a river run to Rio Vista this next weekend while the weather is still cool. Something like that might work in the future or Napa or ???? Thanks, we'll have to keep thinking about this til someone pulls a great idea out of the air. Keep digging. Even a cool one-night stayover would be neat too.