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With an operation of that scale you may run into some copyright issues. I don't reckon Lamborghini mind a few fiberglass bodied replicas with tube chassis but a 100% accurate replica may wake their lawyers up.
Also if you can buy an original Countach for $120K why would you buy a replica for $90K-$110K? People who are going to buy a replica will go for a car where the original is beyond easy reach. A cobra fits in there because an original 427 is $300K+ where a replica can be built for $50K.
You would be better of in my opinion coming up with your own design and selling it as a bespoke super car in your situation.
Yes the Mitsuoka Orochi is ugly but it'll still probably sell. One thing I think common to super car buyers is that they want to stand out from the crowd. A huge tubby dyke with tattoos and a nose ring will turn heads the same as a supermodel.
Mike Murphy
Melbourne Australia
Last edited by Aussie Mike; 04-12-2009 at 06:56 PM..