Thread: kit car ratings
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Old 04-13-2009, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Dinobyte View Post

I am not trying to promote anyone's brand. I don't receive a commission if someone buys a Backdraft. I am an owner, yes. Would I have prefered a Kirkham? Yes! Is there anyone here who would not?

If you read my post, it asked for everyones input. The chart is a start, not a finish. As for your claim of not attacking anyone, nice try, but you don't get a pass that easily. I am sure you would would not try that BS with me in person.

Try being a bit more of the solution and not the problem. Why not add to this in a positive way and not come off as a flame thrower.

Quit acting like a spoiled kid. I stand by everything I posted. On line or in person, makes no difference to me. Your chart is your way to justify buying a BDR and nothing more. Sorry.

Two guys escalating an internet difference of opinion to chest pounding, threats and personal conflict makes little sense. But while we're at it , let me assure you with all sincerity that if you said to my face that Backdrafts are better Cobra replicas overall than ERA's, CSX's, SPF's and Uniques, bet your bottom dollar buddy I would surely laugh out loud and tell you that you are full of it. How you choose to react to that is your problem. If you say that you like BDR's better than the others because of personal preferences and tastes, nothing at all wrong with that, just don't expect me to feel the same way.

My positive contribution to the chart idea is that the only objective set of standards for evaluating cars that attempt to replicate a Cobra is by comparing them to a Cobra. If we are to go with subjective opinions about what "looks nice" and "rides nice" we might as well forget it. As for which has "the best track performance" - lol! With what engine? Transmission? Who's driving? What track?

Originally Posted by patrickt
Hey Buzz, I bet Michael could kick your a$$. Buttrick's too.
Patrick, TButtrick and Mr. D*ckey need to duke it out over who has the nastiest name on cc. Then the winner gets to kick your butt for putting two roll bars on a nice ERA! Hey - just like a BDR!! maybe thats why Dino gave ERA's a "5"
Tropical Buzz

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)

BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...

Last edited by Buzz; 04-13-2009 at 04:22 PM..
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