Originally Posted by Rick Parker
You could cut the cable from the one you have drill a hole through it that was the same diameter as the replacement cable ( random length) and silver solder the new cable into the existing brass barrel end. It would sure solve a lot of hunting around, and the cable would be secure too. Another option and one I used myself was from a Honda Rotary Lawnmower clutch cable, the inner cables are plastic or teflon coated and reduce friction considerable. I soldered the end on as described above.
Thanks! I need a longer cable so salvaging parts from the existing one won't. The barrel on the existing cable looks to be lead or similar.
It is highly likely that it was a cable part from another assembly like you showed. The go-kart place had cables with shields on them too. I found a kart track locally that said they would sell me one if I can get a match. I'll drive over today after work.