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The days of the individual corporate brands having any real identity or meaning are long gone. For the past three decades GM played upon the brand loyalties of their customers as long as they could by slapping different bumpers, badges and paint codes on identical cars. The people who remember when a Pontiac had a Pontiac engine or when Cadillacs, Buicks and Olds had their own identities aren't buying the ruse anymore and the newer generations have no emotional ties to the brands. We can say a heartfelt farewell to to some of the iconic brands that stirred our souls back then because there ain't never gonna be cars like those again. But that's not necessarily as bad as it sounds.
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...