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Old 04-18-2009, 03:16 PM
cobra de capell cobra de capell is offline
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Originally Posted by HI Cobra View Post
Thanks for the link - I just printed it for future reference, since I have
the billboards on my Kirkham.
Question: Are your billboards mounted based on the reference diagram?

Seemed strange to mount them with the serial number showing in two cases, but that's the way it is. I may be wrong, but the tires themselves seem to indicate how to mount them with the outer side appearing to have a little more "roundness" to it - actually, an even better look.

My billboards raised the height of the Cobra by 1 inch all around, versus the tires replaced, but it still looks good to me. I just drove it for the first time with my first impression - OMGWTF as they were bouncing me and the car all over the place, but it all was OK after 15 miles or so. It must be a settling in period.

One impression - the tires are Wide and HUGE looking on the Cobra, to me a really good look.

I'm satisfied; another project that turned out right - except for the lettering (painting) fiasco. That's a real accomplishment for me, given that I really don't know what I'm doing most of the time when cars are involved.
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