Originally Posted by jhv48
Ok, now, if I go with either car, what engine would you recommend. And keep in mind I want a well mannered street engine with lots of torque.
Not interested in racing or frying the tires in fourth gear. Just want to be able to accellerate away from just about anything on the street.
A Roush 427 SB (Windsor based) will most definitely fill your need and keep your hands full. You can always go more authentic with an FE (helps the resale value a bit as well, if built right, i.e. Keith Craft). These cars are light...it doesn't take much motor to lose grip on acceleration.
I love the ERAs and Kirkhams, but I bought as much Cobra as I could afford when I did.That's what led me to a sorted out "pre-owned" SPF model that had all of the latest upgrades (dropped foot box, chrome rollbar, air vents, Wilwood discs).
My car is 9 (nine!) years old but it looks, acts and drives like it's 2. 'Nuff said.
-Dean #747