Originally Posted by JWilly
I'm not well enough versed in Shelby/Coba history to get into this fray but I always did wonder how CS took the body and chassis from A.C. cars and an engine from Ford and, bingo...it's a Shelby (although, I'm really glad he did). It always seemed to me to be more of a recombination (with some improvements,of course) than a "creation".
Hmm, my computer says Dell on it. Did they invent the CPU? Did they make the hard drive or dvd burner? Did they write the operating system?
Perhaps they just sourced a bunch of stuff from other companies, assembled it and slapped the Dell name on it... Do I call it an Intel/Microsoft/etc/etc laptop or do I call it a Dell laptop? Do I go to Intel/Microsoft/etc/etc for warranty service or do I call Dell?
I guess my Dell is just a recombination more than a creation, but I still call it a Dell.