Originally Posted by Ricardo Singer
Good Evening:
I just want to start a conversation regarding csx 4000 series cars.
Not long ago I wrote an editorial that you may find entertaining.
I look forward to reading your comments.
Okay, I'll give you my comments as an owner of both replicas and a CSX4000.
1- While most don't want to hear it, a CSX4000 is just as much a "real Cobra" as the cars from the 60s. The 60s cars were built by another vendor, sent to Shelby to be finished, and then sold as Shelbys. And the street cars were almost 100% built by another vendor, drivetrains and all. The current cars are the same thing. Built by another vendor, shipped to Shelby dealers to be finished, and sold as Shelbys. Anyone who wants to argue otherwise, either just doesn't see it, or is in denial about admitting it.
2- With the above said, your comment about answering the question is now "no sweat", is not true. CSX4000 owners are forever cursed with that question. Yes, it's a real Shelby Cobra, but it's not an original Shelby Cobra, and that's what people are usually asking. The answer to the question for a 4000 owner is a giant footnote that needs explaining every time it's asked.
3- From your quality standpoint, that is not the norm on the 4000 cars. Older cars were actually built by the selling dealer, and the 4750-up cars are meticulously built and inspected. There were some fit and finish issues with the very early 4750 cars that had to be resolved, but any of the HiTech built CSX cars are flawless, and the HST cars go through strict inspections, even by one of our own forum members here.
4- If your car doesn't perform as well as your SPF, then it wasn't done right. The alignment on the CSX cars need to be 100% correct, or they will suck to drive. I'd suggest contacting Tom Baynard at Tom's Motorsports in Vegas to sort the car our for you.
And lastly, I just generally don't like articles like the one you wrote. It's hard enough just trying to be a normal Cobra owner when owning a CSX4000 car, because most people want to label us as pompus asses (thanks Evan), and articles like yours don't help the situation. I like my car, I'm proud of what it is, but I don't think I'm better than anyone else for owning it.