Back from the doctors. I have had a minor stroke and it has damaged the optic nerves to my eyes, and I also have cataracts starting to form. Two years ago the cataract surgery was about $1500 per eye. Now it is over $3400 per eye. That I could handle but noothing can be done for the stroke damage. My eye doctor is going to call me later and go over some options but I looked at the eye pictures of the optic nerve and it has a pretty big piece of the nerve that is dead and frayed. So if it gets worse I will soon be blind and my options are, guide dog, cane, or gun. The nerves caused the stroke of all things. I have to go back in 6 months for him to take more pictures and see if the damage is going to stay at this size or if it is going to expand. Also my working in the yard in the sun is going to be really curtailed as if I have a heat stroke he said that would definitely finish it off.