Originally Posted by tmareina
Take a look in my gallery...I haven't figured out how to attach them to the post yet.
Heres a hot rod pic from your gallery
You don't attach them, you just direct your post to look for them in your gallery. To do this go to the selected image in your gallery you want displayed in your post. Below the image is a box called "photo details" with a long http string in it that starts out with "img.". Copy all of that string. Then come back here to your post. Above the posting window where you normally type is a bunch of buttons including a yellow box with a mountain in it. That's the picture link. Click on that and paste the long picture string in the box that pops up. Click on "Okay." Finish your post and when you submit it, the picture will be pulled in. You can move that entire img string around in your post wherever you want it, as long as you get the "img" and the brackets at the start and end of the string. Those are the codes that tell the forum software to display your image. By the way, nice engine in the pic.