By chance were you in Pennsylvania and Ohio last week?? We drove across parts of both of those states, and noticed many of your four legged friends (or their remains) littering the highways. We thought you may have just been by... So many were along the road that at one point there was a dump truck (half full) having another tossed aboard for the final ride. ... Final ride... MMMMhhhh maybe that's it.. They want a ride. They are not caught in the head lights, they are waiting for a ride. They are the "Car Guys" of the fur community. You know how car guys are, they will do anything for their ride.
You found the Cobra Lover willing to give up his life (or hers) for a ride (even if it was just a touch and go) in your fine machine. Do you wonder how long he waited?? Such dedication...
You will probably honor him by affixing a 10 point buck silhouette near the vent opening on the drivers side.....
I can't wait to see your trophy on Saturday morning....
Good hunting eeeerrrrrrr driving.