Originally Posted by rokndad
Like they said, ask about the red tide and the bugs!!! Especially the Love Bugs. No s**t, they join in twos during their mating season and fly around tangled up with each other, and splat all over the front of your car. Sometimes they are so thick, they dim the sun. Virtually impossible to get the bug stains out of the paint, let alone have them easily come off chrome! I have never seen anything like this...only in Florida....
Lived here 9 years, an hour and a half north of Palm Coast, Not sure I've seen the love bugs too bad. If your car is waxed good and you clean it off after a run, your ok. rokndad must not clean his car too often.
I am only aware of a couple short times of red tide. They were brief. Just don't eat the shellfish at that time.
Come on down, the weather is great. No earthquakes, riots, mudslides or blizzards......