David Biele Dave if you are beating on the car a quart every 500 miles is normal. Nothing is broken in yet except the tires and brakes.
Oil leaks from the rear main seal area do happen. Under NORMAL 70/30% highway to local driving a quart every 1 K miles until the motor is broken in is not abnormal. The best thing I can tell you is to talk to your builder at KCR. If the motor is sucking alot of
oil through either the rings or valve stem guides, a compression test will be high. A leak down cheak would be better for what you want to check. What color are the spark plugs? Black, Gray, White, off color lite gray? A picture of them would help. I see no problem at this time, how many times have you changed the
oil in the motor? What are you running in the motor? synthesis oil or normal oil? What weight are you running also needs to be taken into account on this problem too. A little more info would help on this. Rick L. Ps Dave you have an aluminum motor at 482 cubes and it needs to BREATH a little. Just think of it as a 4 wheel Harley and it is marking it's territory. Mine has a 50 cent puddle under it after running.