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The Lucas cable system is very old school. It has some real advantages where space is limited. The cable is fairly rigid and has wire spiral running its entire length. This spiral connects to linkage attached to a pin on one side of a gear on the the wiper motor. As the wiper motor rotates it pushes the cable back and forth. Smaller gears on the backs of the wheel boxes the arms attach to engage the spiral on the cable as they run past. As the cable moves back and forth through the tube it turns the gears in the wheel boxes moving the wiper blade back and forth.
Disadvantages of the system would be the drag the cable has as it runs through the tube. It needs to be greased to keep it working it's best. There is also probably a bit more play in the system compared to direct links.
The advantage is you can snake the tube around obstacles under the dash where a linkage needs more clearance.
I've got to pull the whole system out this week as I continue with the body work. I'll take some pics of the components and how they fit together on the bench.
Mike Murphy
Melbourne Australia