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Old 11-17-2001, 04:24 PM
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Sorry if that caused you a problem. It has been on the web site for about three years now and this is the first time someone has reported a problem. If it is not operating properly I will of course remove it. First let me verify some information with you.

I had not actually checked it's operation in some time, so I just went back and reinstalled it. On my system, which runs Windows 2000, a large pop up box appears and asks "Do you want to install the Comet Cursor" or some such drivel, and offers a choice of YES, NO, or three hot links to more information if I don't understand what Comet Cursor might be.

If I select NO, it goes away and I never see it again.

If I select any of the information hot links it gives a somewhat lengthy explaniation about what it is and what it does.

In order to get the cursor to install it was necessary for me to specificly select YES. It then goes through an install routine and puts the cursor up ONLY ON MY WEBSITE.

In order to dispose of the Comet curser altogether, I had to open the Control Panel, select the Comet Cursor for deletion, and it was completely removed.

If the Comet Cursor is installing itself on anyone's system WITHOUT THEIR SPECIFIC REQUEST or if the install instructions are not clearly understandable, please let me know so that I may remove it and avoid causing anyone undue problems.

It's great to soar with the eagles, but weasels can't get sucked into jet engines.