Originally Posted by dlampe
PatrickT, How familiar are you with the circumstances around Rich Anderson and Shell Valley and the reasons for the sale?
Not a lick, other than it was about to go belly-up. Whether that was from personal/family problems that forced attention away from the business, or poor business judgement in and of itself, I have no idea (really, it doesn't matter). Clearly the business was in distress, and when a business is in distress, you either let it die or bring someone in to turn it around. That someone generally should have special talents and a proven track record -- I don't see that here. Right now, a new buyer would have to have a compelling financial or performance reason to commit to SV, as opposed to going with its competition. Hopefully the new owners have a plan to make that happen. Actually, I don't really care one way or another -- I'm looking at it solely from the business point of view. Now if the new owners bought SV in the same fashion that your wife might buy a small dress shop, as a pastime to have fun and
maybe make a dollar, then that's a completely different story....