Originally Posted by csx4910
To each his own. I knew I didn't have the experience or more importantly the time to build my own so I had someone build it so I could enjoy the driving. The are guys on this site who have been building for 10 years and some that finish in 3-6 months so I don't think it is fair to blame the manufacturers on over exxagerating the build time. they have no way of knowing the level of each person's expereince, or thier tools available etc.
If you sold it in the last year you just took a bigger hit than you would of last year so that magnifies your frustration but the economy isn't the manufacturers fault.
My question is that if you sold it and you are so sour on the "kit car" part of the hobby, why do you still hang out here?
I never hung out here i just posted some things about Shell Valley going
out of business was the only reason i posted anything at all to begin with.
I was just informing people of that since i was one of the first people notified to get their car since they were locked out of the building.That was my only reason for ever posting anything on here.Since i had to get my car and they were out of business i felt i should post my experience with kit cars in general.That is all.