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Old 05-17-2009, 06:29 PM
spookypt spookypt is offline
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It is interesting to see how a self promote film on you tube has created such a thread. Comments to this thread and others IMO must be allowed as it was the person himself who posted it and therefore must be prepared to reap all seeds..both good and bad.

In defense of Wazza, I agree that personal slanderish type comments against the blokes wife is not called for and should be retracted. The fellow in question has shown poor judgement, sadly on more than one occasion and should have his rains pulled in. Which is what I believe has been done. I myself have done some silly things which in hindsight showed poor judgement and inexperience but thankfully senior people with far more experience than I showed me the right way.

I personnally made contact with Joe the owner, last Thursday in an attempt to suggest to him his youtube link may not be the greatest idea. It was only my opinion and his choice should he choose to leave it up.
In sayin that I am guilty of adding comment to create the threads intensity...
My reasons for being outspoken on this one are..

1. I have seen someone "having a bit of fun" seriously maim... not with intent...just because they didnt think.. My mate has 1 eye now! Sadly it happens... but it shoudln't.

2. I have always thought that the cobra owners as a generalisation were not really into this. (HP and performance yes, but HUGE BO's in public not really) and in reality an unfair expectation. We are no different than others...Except our wallets may be lighter because of the cost of these cars .

3. We are a policed state enough in relation to car enthusiats so any further publicity showing that we COBRA owners are as bad as the rest won't help. Again probably an unrealistic expectation. Imagine Today Tonite getting a hold of that youtube link?

4. There is history here and he should have had his wings clipped some time ago. Thankfully and not too late, he has now.

Having said that, his wife or his friends should not be disrespected even if his actions warrant criticism.

I have asked some time ago whether we as car owners and club members should implement a code of conduct. I DON'T want one. I like to think we are above that and know what is within the realms of expectation and social acceptance and what is not. Strangely until this particular vehicles driving became an issue I'd never even thought of it. If as owners majority rules and a COC is felt to be unwarranted then perhaps this type of thread serves as a guide as to what is reasonable fun and what is unreasonable risk.

Rant suspended!

Last edited by spookypt; 05-17-2009 at 06:38 PM..
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