The loops in the lines shouldn`t trap air as the bleeding process will push the air out of the lines as it goes through . I didn`t see in your post if the front calipers are two piston . i.e. one on the inside and one on the outside . If so , there is a sequence that must be followed or you won`t get all the air out . Bleed the inside first and then the outside . If you use a pressure bleeder , be careful about too much pressure .... you can rupture a reservoir ( that old pesky hydraulics formula F = P X A ) . You might try bleeding in reverse ... from the calipers to the reservoir , being careful you don`t overfill the reservoir .
I gravity bled my brakes and other than taking a lot of time , have a good pedal .
When you "pump" your brakes .... SLOW is the operative word . When you go fast , you get air entrained in the
oil and it takes about 12 hours for it to separate . That`s why I pushed down on my pedal to a slow count of 20 and released the same way . I also paused at the bottom before coming back up and the same at the top . Did that about five times and then checked my pedal .
What you are doing is sometimes there is a small amount of air in the MC and slow actuation allows this to escape back into the reservoir instead of mixing with the fluid .
I can tell you that after 30 years of being in the hydraulics industry ... getting air out of a system can be a real pain .
Good luck .