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Old 05-21-2009, 08:40 AM
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decooney decooney is offline
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Default Hey there!

Hi All,


A few folks have asked me from time to time (and again recently) when it gets hot each year, "why can't we do the drives very early in the morning first when there is nobody on the road and its cool, then stop for breakfast after".

The idea is if we could find a coffee spot, say meet there at 7:30, start the drive at 07:45a.m., and stop back at our resting place at 10:00 a.m., we'd have a great breakfast and who cares how long it takes to get the food!

I agree, driving in the extreme heat is terrible vs. the crisp-cool-early morning air with no traffic is the best time to drive in the summer. Then, after breakfast is over, head back home and take a nap after. This leaves the rest of the day to still do whatever you want. Clean the car up the night before, fill it with fuel, and be retz-to-go! That's the theme. For those who just like to meet and greet, this might not work out as well, or they could just meet us after the drive at 10 for breafkast and both groups win - drivers and non-drivers! Hahahahah.

What about you guys, I could motivate myself to get up early with others who enjoy driving that much.
Western States Cobra Group 1998-2016.

Last edited by decooney; 05-21-2009 at 08:43 AM..
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