Originally Posted by RodKnock
Sometime in the future, I would like to move to one or the other, but it sounds like either approach is not easy to install and tune.
Dean Lampe has the Dynatek set-up on his GT-40 that has been featured in several magazines. He has been quoted saying it is easy to install and simple to tune. I'm not that crazy about all the electronics but if you've ever seen someone (that knows what they are doing) tune an electronic FI, you'd be impressed.
A LM-1 and a laptop are all you need. You can richen up the idle, lean it out a hair between 2500 & 3000 RPM and fatten it up between 4500 & 6000 RPM (or any other adjustments you want) in a couple of mins. with a few clicks of the mouse and you never get dirty. That's the nice thing about it, perfect adjustments throughout the whole RPM range and it compensates for altittude changes. That's not possible with carbs.