Bernie, all new houses built in Queensland must now have tanks.
A few years ago the council would fine you if you installed a water tank ... ie. they forced you to buy water from them and used some far fetched health reason as an excuse.
Silly as most of our Grandparents were raised on properties with only tank water and since the so called drought the health excuse has gone out the window.
Harvesting rain water privately really does take the load off state supplies and I believe is the responsible thing to do.
Besides, I'd rather tank water to recycled sewage. Even though technology allows them to really purify the stuff I just don't trust public servants to always get it right.
Three weeks ago they (Qld Water) distributed water to 300,000 odd homes with some 30 times the level of fluoride than the standard.
If they cant be trusted to get the fluoride right just imagine if it was recycled sewage.