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Old 05-28-2009, 01:56 PM
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The originals came in the trunk. Some have grief with this location in case there is a leak, etc. All things being equal, the lower the better in terms of flow to the pump, lower than the tank has better gravity feed to feed the pump. Of course too low and you have to worry about contact with objects in the road, etc. As for me, my electric pump is going in the trunk. The chances of a leak with the advanced fittings and fuel lines we use are slim, and if it worked for Shelby it'll no doubt work for me. Most of my performance cars over the years with electric pumps have had them mounted in the trunk. Certainly there are stories out there of leaks, fires, etc. I am sure that if you look hard enough there are stories of problems with leaks and fires in all sorts of locations. I would rather have mine in the trunk than hanging low under the car. Mounting up higher on a frame rail out of the way is my preferred spot but that isn't possible with my frame design and the size (large) of the pump I'm using. Sooooo....In the trunk it goes, your mileage will vary.....
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