Not Ranked
Let me get this straight... You guys are complaining because the law is being enforced?
If you can't pay the fine, don't do the crime.
I actually appreciate highway patrol and troopers and what they do. I've nearly been nailed by soccer Mom's running red lights while talking on their cell phones, and nearly rear-ended by twenty-somethings texting while driving (or, more recently, by a little grey-haired lady in a Subaru on Hwy 17...) These people, I hope, will get caught and their behavior (hopefully) will be modified.
A stroll through a junk yard, observing the spider-web shaped cracks in windshield glass should be enough to convince someone to put their friggin' seat belt on. Read here on ClubCobra about a guy that wrecked his Cobra (and I think, killed) because his seat-belt was bolted into the fiberglass floorpan instead of into the frame, and the fiberglass ripped out with him flying (to his death) in his seat.
I don't know. Put the seatbelt on, hang up the cell phone, stop texting, and don't drink and drive. Speed at your own risk (financial or otherwise), and don't put anybody ELSE at risk.
Just a few thoughts...
Dangerous Doug
"You're kidding, right?"
Last edited by Dangerous Doug; 05-30-2009 at 05:56 PM..
Reason: Clarity