Not Ranked
48 States in 30 days.
I'll be leaving Tucson , Arizona, on Thursday, June 4th for Oklahoma City. From there I will head for either Jackson, Mississippi, or Baton Rouge, La. Then on to Jacksonville, Fl. From there it is a straight shot to Norfolk, Va. and on to Boston. By that time I will have driven in 23 states. I'll be at the FRR Open House on June 13th. Also at the London Cobra Show on the 25th - 28th. The big part of the trip starts when I leave the LCS headed for Chicago, Ill. Hopefully it will only be a six ( maybe 7 ) day trip back to Tucson via Wisc., Minn., N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah and finally, Arizona. I hope to arrive home on July 3rd. I'll be driving a white primered FFR with the roundel #39. If you see me please honk and wave. Hope to see many of you at the FFR Open House and the LCS. JOhn