Originally Posted by 767Jockey
It's time to pull the legal trigger on this, Patrick - I agree with you. The problem now is the cost. I lost my lawyer friend who was going to do this for free to a medical issue, now I have to find an attorney en see what it's all going to cost to go after this guy. I imagine it's very easy to pile up legal bills that will exceed the cost of the block and the machining involved. I guess he knows this and it emboldens his behavior. I've never sued anyone, it's just not my style, but I guess the time has come where I have to. This guy is just incredible.
Call your local bar association's lawyer referral service and ask for the name of a general practioner with about 10 years experience or less. This is not a difficult case, nor are we talking Madison Avenue M&A lawyer fees. I think if you try the "send him the pleadings" move with him named personally as a defendant, allege a fraud count, ask for punitives, that will motivate him to settle. IMO, he will not settle without a gun to his head (metaphorically speaking, of course).