Originally Posted by Bobcat
After 14 months , my lady and I took a checkout ride this afternoon . Still have to get the final alignment done and do a few other adjustments ... and then go over everything again .... but I`m driving !
Managed about 25 miles today and now need to read the plugs and adjust the carb some more , but it runs !!!
Speak about loud ..... just what a Cobra should be !
Beautiful day with the temperature in the low 90`s .... water temp at 180 while moving and maybe 185 while at some lights . Oil pressure .... 55 psi at cruise and 35 psi at idle and oil temps at 180 when I got on it some , but I did have to tape the oil cooler off to get any oil temp.
Life is good !!!
Congratulations on getting your ERA on the road. Do post some picutures when you get a chance.
- Fred