Originally Posted by ollie2906
Baz, all this postulating about moving a car around without UVP's to me borders on stupidity. No UVP means no CTP insurance and the RTA can say what they like but I am sure if you were unlucky enough to have an accident without a current UVP you can say good bye to copious amounts of money when you get the arse sued off you!!!!! Now a UVP costs you $18 and you can get one without a VIN at any RTA....... so the choice is simple really!!!
I suggest you carefully research the information you put into your Threads before they are published here. No UVP does NOT mean no CTP Insurance. Providing that your complying with the conditions outlined in my original thread, you ARE covered for all things claimable under CTP Insurance as "The Nominal Defendant."
Notwithstanding this, perhaps you can tell me how I can obtain a UVP without having a VIN or Chassis No?
This was the whole purpose of this thread as the written information I have received from Charles Kim, Regulation and Vehicle Management - RTA is quote "To issue a UVP for any vehicle, it must have an identifier - either a VIN or Chassis No." The local Motor Registry has told me the same thing as Charlie Kim.
With this in mind, where did you receive your info that you can get a UVP at any RTA office for $18 without a VIN? I would be really interested to find that out.
I hope that your not suggesting that I should create my own unique chassis No.