Be sure to check the pan gasket rail straightness. Canton pans (as well as many others) aren't as straight as they can be, especially in the area just above the starter. Also, do yoursef a favor and get a Fel-Pro one piece rubber
oil pan gasket. I'm not sure of part numbers, but Canton makes pans just for superformance chassis. They are a tad narrower so they fit better between the framerails(460,351) and the 427 pan has the front angled to clear the swaybar. I personally like the Milodon pans better, they have better trap door baffles, they clear the windage tray better, and don't leak as bad/often.Be sure to check your pickup to pan clearance(lump of clay in a baggy works), don't trust the manufacturer that it fits perfect. One quarter to three eigths" is ideal.