Rally Point for Visit
401 E. 2nd Street (Corner of 2nd and Central)
Los Angeles, CA (duh) 90012
I will be a the rally point by 8:15AM.
We will leave the Rally Point no later than 9:15AM to make the drive to the Museum. This will ensure we don't hit a load of traffic, and will allow us plenty of time to park and situate ourselves at the museum.
Parking at the museum will be on the third floor where we have reserved spots waiting.
This is an Office Depot parking lot next to a Starbucks.
Updated Participant List
Club Cobra Name / Real Name / Car Type
1. Dinobyte / Michael White / Backdraft #395
2. Bill Bess / Bill Bess / Hurricane
3. Car4Jim / Jim Beals / Kirkham
4. Rokndad / Tom Remillard / CSX #4758
5. Overspeed / Gary Bertz / SPF #2772
6. 02Roush / NAME??? / FFR # 5519
7. Ibr8k4vetts / Mike Z / R.U.C.C.
8. MFEIII / Matt / Hurricane Motorsports #1053
9. Legenmetals / NAME??? / Contemporary
10. OCCobra / Dane Churney / Legendary Autos
11. NBVC / NAME??? / Hi Tech
12. Steve Gallegos / Steve Gallegos / Backdraft
13. Xavier / Allen Gasper / Lonestar
14. RON N BKFLD / Ron Clowes / KIRKHAM KMP218
15. Viking Joe / Joe.... / Factory Five MK1
16. Sharroll Celby / Edley Rondinone / NAF
17. anicholas / Allen Nicholas / Kirkham
18. Caustic Cobra / Michael Giardino / Kirkham
It is not too late...just let me know by Friday morning if you would like to attend.