Originally Posted by VRM
Actually, I was basing it more on the fine 'Conservative' folks in this forum that I have argued with frequently. These are the same ones who argued in favour of legislative interference in the Terry Shiavo case, poorly planned military adventures, worship of Israel, and restriction of certain groups they find morally offensive.
Todays current crop of 'Conservatives' seem more intent on running around getting in everybody else's business. Maybe you really are an old school Conservative (Paleo, as Freddy D. put it) - I hope so. But I also recall you mentioning that you actively campaigned for G.W. Bush, and he did not turn out to be all that Conservative.
Conservatives don't want to get into everyone's business, especially gays, they want people to mind they own business (and take responsibility for their own business), especially gays, and not demand more of society, for example marriage for gays. In the end, gays are after 100% acceptance of what they do behind closed doors. That's never going to happen.