There is a fuel pump in the tank and another just out side of the tank. The external pump is a little white round cylinder about 1.5" X 5 or 6". Is it normal to run an additional pump with a super charger?
Today the goal was to test drive the car and burn up some gas! The car died twice in 3.5 hours
. But that is much better than before replacing the fuel filter.
Any way my butt got sore before I got the tank empty so I dropped the tank and hooked up the internal pump connections to 12V and pumped the rest of the gas into a gas can so I could look inside for rust. To start with the pump ran fine but after several minutes it began running intermittently in an irregular patern of on off. I'm not a mechanic but aren't the pumps supposed to run all the time or at least until they reach cut off pressure? This one would stop pumping when I pinched the line off and it built up pressure, but it ran intermittently. Thinking this could be the problem I bought another pump.
While the pump was out I looked in the tank and it looked clean and shiney no rust in sight, but when I was putting the new pump in I noticed that there is a U channel shaped box like object in the bottom (baffle?) and I think the pump pick up goes in the center of it? But the strange (to me at least) thing was this box/baffle was loose. I could push it around in the bottom of the tank with a long screw driver! I am not sure but is this supposed to be secured in the tank?
What to do, What to do?
Oh, there was no access door in the trunk... that would be too easy! :-)