Originally Posted by elmariachi
It is very possible. I removed both hoses and held my hand over the lower exit while filling up the radiator will water. Then I removed my hand and it discharged within a couple seconds. I did this a few times and nothing came out. I also spot checked it with the IR gun and didn't see any abnormally hot spots versus the overall temps. As I mentioned, with the engine idling, the circular area where the fan is drawing is maybe 10* cooler than the rest of the radiator, but there are no other hot spots in the "no fan" zone that I could find. I also placed a lamp behind the radiator and turned out the lights in the garage and looked through the fins. I could not see any fin blockage or any signs of distortion of the tubes. The only other thing I can do to check for blockage is remove it and take it to a shop. And at this point, this radiator is sorta like that girlfriend you suspect probably needs to go: Once she's out, she ain't gettin' back in.
Maybe try backflushing it to see if anything comes out?
Also did you check the radiator cap, or just try replacing it? Maybe it's not properly controlling the pressure in the system.