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Created or Saved
I’ve been a bit skeptical on how Obama keeps saying he’s “created or saved” different numbers of jobs, but the media seems credulous so I guess “created or saved” is a perfectly fine formulation. Thus we might as well apply the phrase to lots of different things.
* I decided not to be bloodthirsty against common nuisances today and created or saved three squirrels.
* By not going to McDonalds, I created or saved two cheeseburgers and a large fry.
* Deciding against serial killing, i created or saved upwards of 33 people (I’m very smart and would not be easily caught).
* By proper use of braking on the way to work, I created or saved twelve automobiles.
* If Sotomayor were a little more careful, she could have created or saved one ankle.
* Cheney’s waterboarding terrorists created or saved thousands of Americans.
* By being a good dog, Rowdi created or saved the cat food.
* In the beginning, God created or saved the heavens and the earth.
* I slowed down in the school zone, creating or saving three children.
* Batman created or saved one city.
* By controlling my anger, I created or saved your face.
By not watching 0bama speak in Cairo, I saved one TV set from destruction.
* By not going fishing today, I saved 30 shrimp (bait) and Lord knows how many fish.
* By skipping lunch, I saved one hamburger for someone hungrier than me.
If only Bush had thought of the phrase. Then when people kept throwing out numbers of how many civilians were killed in Iraq he could respond with the number of Iraqis he created or saved.