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Ok, I moved the upper trailing arms to the bottom set of holes. Now with my trans and rear diff parallel my driveline angle is pointing down from the trans at about 7 deg. I am thinking that I need to lower the back of the trans about 4 deg and rotate the rear diff up the same. That way the trans and rear diff are parallel and the driveline is pointing down at around 3 deg.
Does this sound correct?
DV, with your experience, about how much should I space the trans mount?
351W, T5 trans, 8.8 rear end.
Your best guess is probably better that most others measurement.
Thanks, Terry
Note: My Cobra is level and I do not want to lower the back any more than it is.
Last edited by tcrist; 06-13-2009 at 04:25 PM..
Reason: added note