This more or less sums it up pretty well........
Here's an excellent article - The broad perspective on the growing outrage in America.....
An ill wind is blowing in America.
From a friend who posts as Noumenon on another site.....
Friedrich Nietzsche, in the 1800's, rightly perceived that the most likely candidate to replace the decline and ultimately the collapse of the religious impulse would be what he called the
'Will to Power.' In place of religious belief, there would be secular ideology. Those who had once filled the ranks of the totalitarian clergy would become totalitarian politicians.
"And above all the Will to Power would produce a new kind of messiah, uninhibited by any religious sanctions whatsoever, and with an unappeasable appetite for controlling mankind."
Let's say that again:
"And above all the Will to Power would produce a new kind of messiah, uninhibited by any religious sanctions whatsoever, and with an unappeasable appetite for controlling mankind."
That's who we're dealing with now. The Constitution and the rule of law are just so much toilet paper to those who would rule us now. Our values are punchlines to sneering liberal party jokes.
This is the endgame of Gramsci’s and Alinsky's heirs and disciples. These are the murderous great-great-great-great-grandchildren of the French Revolution, cold-eyed with contempt for you and yours; spiral-eyed crazy with hate for what you believe in and possessed of an utterly unappeasable appetite for controlling mankind. Just as Hitler was completely candid in "Mein Kampf" about what he intended to do with Germany, the Jews and the world, so the Left has been completely up front about where they intend to take America, how they've planned to do it and what they're going to do once they achieve absolute power. So, when it comes to the Constitution and rule of law, my pretties, they’ll not only sweep the pieces off the board, they’ll upend the table and put a bullet in you while they’re at it. As far as the Left is concerned, rules are for losers and history, godawful bloody history is my witness.
The reality is that we’ll never see another truly free, open and honest election in this country until after the next American Civil War and the death of millions. And the America we'll have after that won't be the America we started with - for good or for ill. It was always and ever up to us.
Remember that the people who've now gotten their hands on the apparatus of the State would rather rule in Hell than live in peace with the rest of us. They will happily reduce Western civilization to stinking pile of rubble and corpses as long as they believe that they will be the ones sitting on top of the rubble heap.
Wake up, people. You’re not going to talk or vote your way out of the tyranny that’s coming. And that’s precisely the point of tyranny, isn’t it? None of us have a Get Out of History Free card, either. None.
Your circumstances can and will change overnight.
That's one of the great lessons that so many of us have failed to learn from the history of the twentieth century. Fat, happy, stupid and "it can't happen here," is how most of us are except for the ones who are actually cheering for it to happen here. And then there those of us who see exactly what's going on and are prepared for the eventual outcomes.
We're preparing for war.
Change is coming, oh yes indeed - but it's not what any of that Marxist meat puppet's worshipers bargained for. Rand had it right all these many years ago when she said that there is no personal neutrality today. Time to get off the fence. Time to stand up and be heard. Time to start getting together with like-minded people. Time to organize your list of Things To Do, Places To Go and People To Meet. Because when your favorite websites suddenly go dark, when your cell phones and other comm nets no longer work, when the roadblocks go up, when you hear the knock on the door - then it’ll be too damned late.
It will be too late unless you're willing, like Atlas, to shrug - and then pick up a gun before they come for you. Unless you're willing to take action, you aren't going to get your country back, much less preserve your own freedom and dignity.
So don't just sit there with a pile of ammo and a gun in your closet. Participate in the nearest Appleseed Project shoot and join a community of like minded people turning ammunition into skill. Join up with Glenn Beck's 912Project - a latter-day network of the original Committees of Correspondence - to meet more like-minded folks. Connect with people in your own neighborhood to build your own 'Alarm and Muster' network.
It may be the last chance we're going to get.
Ayn Rand once said, "The world is a beautiful place and worth fighting for. But not without Freedom." Stand with me. Stand with us. And if you think that freedom is passé or over-rated, just wait until you see what your new masters replace it with.
We are what they fear most - informed, armed and unafraid citizens.
Finally, on the dawn of that "dark modern day" of which Titus Livy spoke over 2000 years ago, when it does all go bad - as it now seems that it will - resolve at the very least to sell your life dearly. Do your best to kill every one who comes for you, your family or your means of self-defense. Make them pay, for if that's what they're coming to do, they are enemies of human freedom and they are unfit to live in a free society. In fact, they are just plain unfit to live. If you surrender to this evil, not only is your cause lost, but you will also strengthen those who would perpetrate their evil on others. And that's the greatest guilt of all...
God has blessed this America,
Now, please, GOD SAVE AMERICA!