It was a great run, and I would like to thank Jim#3 and Sue for coming down from up North to make the run, Sue was a great sport putting up with the guys. Also Jims ERA with his built 427 side oiler had a geat sound as it blasted by me on the Photo shots, yes Jake G. I have lots of great shots to pass your way.
We started at Puyallup, when Steve B. got there he said he was only going to -Buckley and taking a good look at the weather. I said it wont rain and once we get to the East side it well be hot, I was wrong. As we pulled into Naches to have lunch there was a very large strom to the south. We where all enjoying our fish chips and tall cold ones when a local walk in a said you boys better get out of Dodge as there some real rain coming our way. We where out the door and filling up the tanks when the rain hit. Jim#3 and Sue took to the North towards Ellensburg. I left behind Jim#1 and Steve they thought I was ahead of them, they where trying to catch me and I was trying to catch them. I guess Steve said to Jim #1 Andy well be at the rest stop or a gas station. They never saw them again, I think Steve was trying to get out of buying my ice cream? Well it rain so hard I was having trouble seeing the rd. I almost hit a large rock in the rd. After calling Ji
m in Tac. Jim thought Steve had hit the same rock. I hope Steve Cobra is O.K.
Thanks for going guys. Well send some photos your way.