Originally Posted by cobra de capell
From a friend who posts as Noumenon on another site.....
Friedrich Nietzsche, in the 1800's, rightly perceived ....
So don't just sit there with a pile of ammo and a gun in your closet....
Join up with Glenn Beck's 912Project
..build your own 'Alarm and Muster' network.
Ayn Rand once said, "The world is a beautiful place......
Do your best to kill every one who comes for you, your family or your means of self-defense. Make them pay...
What a post. Thanks, that was hysterical.
Nietzsche, Ayn Rand and Glenn Beck, all in one thought.
Good thing we don't have these Unabombers-in-training on this site.
Geez, a post asking everyone to kill people is pretty over-the-line.
We'd throw him out in a nanosecond.
There really are people out there who are ready to kill.... wow.
He was right about one thing...God save us.