67Jet, I got your message. Here is the kit I developed a few years back, it's also pictured in my gallery. I might have two kits left stored away, if I can find them. The final result eliminated about 70% of the violent hop, but not all hop. The rest of it I was able to smooth out more with other dampning tuning and rear ride height adjustments. The next step is to scale and re-align the car. This kit was developed to minimalize modification impact to the chassis and components. Requires a few special tools and integration with other mounts. With this, my car definitely plants the rear harder and launches better now but CAUTION: I don't launch from a dead start after breaking my differential gears and stub axles for my second 1/4 mile test. I ended upgrading to new hardened stub axles and spider gears after I put this kit in. Duane