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ONe thing you forget Cobra Bill, in france and most other countries with FREE healthcare for all- THEY PAY over 50% of there income or MORE in income tax's PLUS value aded tax's to support this FREE healthcare. In Britian you can only get a doctors appt 48 hours ahead of time- BUT the office are booked solid for weeks-so they tell the patient--call in three weeks on a certain day they know will be 48 hours before an opening to fit in the governments mandate of 48 hours.
Be over 65-70 no cataract surgery or hip replacement- IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT- and the post office dont even get me started- those LAZY BUTT slobs who work as slow as snails. How about AMTRAC -our gov run railroad thats was suppose to be profitable 30 years ago-another gov mess. In mass. the gov mandated everyone have insurnace or pay a fine. Waits are up, doctors are leaving in record numbers-i know this for a fact- i'm in medical sales and loosing my customers as they retire early instead of taking on more patients at less pay. ONE YEAR INTO the progrm COST OVERUN 42%
Last edited by joe g; 06-15-2009 at 06:11 PM..