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Old 06-16-2009, 09:52 AM
turnpike boy turnpike boy is offline
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Default Um....

C/B, I've re-read your first post a few times looking for that position and cannot find it. What I DO find is unbridled argument that the Government is just fine for taking over healthcare, because they do such a good job with the post office (which is private, btw) and your Dept. of Defense position, which is second to no one. But nothing that affirms there isn't a perfect system. Of any kind.

It is reassuring to see that you do believe there's room for improvement - that's a whole lot different from stating flat-out that the Govt. ought to be running healthcare. You will get no argument from me that there is room for improvement; I cannot think of a single element of life that has no room for improvement.

But more Govt. is not where you want this to go. Unequivocally. The hazards of this practice are manifest and deeply problematic - look at politicians if you need any tangible proof. To think they could automatically do no worse is fatally flawed - you like paying for social programs, including paying for those who currently don't have healthcare? Didn't think so.

I have no doubt whatsoever you are proud of your DoD spot, and rightfully so. But remember it isn't the Govt who builds those airplanes and ships and tanks's private industry who does that, and by your own admission better than anybody else.

Nothing is fair. Life isn't fair, and never has been. Nothing we do is going to make it so, no matter how much we may want it. Imposing unwanted will on people who don't need it is also unfair.
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