Originally Posted by fsstnotch
There is an aweful lot of hearsay and internet knowledge in this thread. Many very valid points, and some first hand experience. I DO NOT want to see anything else gov't run. They need to stick to politics and leave the medicare, bankruptcy, Banks, car companies, and such to the private sector. if there is no perfect system, and each system has it's pros and cons, what is wrong with tweaking our system? Why must we completely adapt to someone elses system? Oh that's right.. the U.S. can't do anything for themselves anymore!!!!
Wayne, I think you have the best response of this thread.
Yes, tweaking is all that is needed at this time.
For example -
1. If a spouse goes on Medicare, allow the other spouse to do the same.
2. When someone goes on Cobra (loss of job, etc) allow them to stay on Cobra until they secure coverage.
3. Eliminate the 10% up charge by the insurer for handling Cobra coverage.
4. A safe way to automate medical records should be implemented.
My wife is on Cobra coverage at this time - Blue Shield will not even allow her to authorize a monthly charge to our checking account to pay the premium each month - they insist that the premium be paid by mail. That's insane. Sometimes I think that they want a payment missed so that they can cancel.
Anyway, each of us has a story to tell in this area - each of us can come up with 'tweaks' which would end up being in the 100's if not 1,000's that can readily be implemented by the insurers. Why not just tweak?
Besides, we all know that the cost of universal coverage will be nothing close to the estimates that are being published. Government estimates always need to be tripled from the get go.