OK, fair enough. I do not know anything about the insurance world. But having a baby does not seem Accidental. It can be Catastrophic
(keeps me in debt and working long hours).
If health insurance covered "the big risks" only, then we would have a viable system that needed no fixing. I will be considering Health Savings Accounts over the next year. And, more serious illnesses could be/would be treated. and more people could afford it. Yes, that means we pay out of pocket (or the non-taxed HSA). It is a wiser path.
But no, every imbecile wants the government to pay for EVERYTHING. No responisbility and total dependence. I can't do much, but I can write letters and emails to senators and congress people. We cannot afford medicaid, medicare, SS, Prescription Drugs for Old Farts, and now we are going to add Health Insurance for All"?? and our bond rating could drop to AA? And Russia wants a new currency standard? Yeah, the commies will win afterall.
I admit it. I am part of the problem. My eyes have been opened to the whole issue of "Health Insurance". Its time for more folks to think long and hard about this. Because once the governemnt enacts another entitlement, it will not get undone. It will move to the top of the list in the budget as a Mandatory Spending Item. Say goodby to your colleges. Say goodby to infrastructure. And Say goodby to your defense.
Ron61 was right. Pull your own dam teeth.