Make my Jag rear stronger? Help-Ideas-Advice
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06-21-2009, 05:14 AM
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The shoulder bolts have only 5/16 thread size
mickmate The are just standard shoulder cheap bolts. They snap at the end of the threads where the machine leaves a thin area. I only use my watts for 1/4 mile games. In autocross and roadracing the bars stay off the car. It makes the rearend looser but allows it to drift with my way of driving better. I don't have all the wheel and tire hop that some of the other guys are having. I leave at a lower rpm, slip the clutch a little and not get alot of tire spin or hopping. I like the power to the ground, not up in smoke. I don't have any binding of the watt's, it's just cheap bolts. You can get shoulder bolts that work perfect at Homedepot's or Lowes. I carry a couple of spare sets, just in case. They break from the shock of the drivetrain and wheel hop in 1/4 mile. The car is getting better with handling, however the driver is way past prime and having large b@!!s to push the car to the edge.
Too much money invested in it to for silly play also.
Rick L
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