Originally Posted by Ron61
If they just had three separate lights (tail, turn, and brake) then you wouldn't have to screw with the goofy switch business.
Gee, Patrickt that would make to much sense and be to easy to repair. But if you think it is bad now,wait until the Obama, Pelosi designed cars that are 1single piece of degradable plastic come along.
I think cars designed for the world market have three separate lights . My '94 Mazda B4000 pick-up has separate rear amber lenses for turn signals as opposed to the red stop lenses. It's kind of a pain in the butt, needing a logic diode harness converter, when adapting to old style brake/signal combo-filament trailers (all of them).
Originally Posted by RICK LAKE
....great to see all the jobs are going to Mexico, Tiawan, China, and Korea. The union is finished in the USA and time will show it in the future with more plants and places closing because of people following unions like sheep and not thinking for themselves. Yes I have worked for the union, and having a choice wouldn't want to work for another one. Find a good company, work hard, do the right things, not make waves, and you are set for life....
Rick, please pardon me for pointing this out, and making my plea, but...
Being a big proponent of the American working class, particularily the need for unions ...I wonder how this "set for life" is working out for the Mexicans when these jobs go to Mexico (or elsewhere). Skilled factory work might pay more like the miserable pay scale for quality mechanics down there.
Our ownership/management and the Mexicans ownership/management think alike when it comes to self-proclaimed ownership of jobs. The only difference is the self-chosen social position and the thinking of the respective workforce. Who owns the jobs, yours, mine, and why.
I wouldn't willingly trade for the meek Mexican "set for life" if I were you. Best take the corporate propoganda with a grain of salt. There is a good reason we have been, and continue to be, media-molded to think like we often do. Unions certainly aren't perfect, but they're all we got. Help clean them up, whatever ...but don't let some big-business media shill entirely talk you out of organized labor. Give it some more thought. Do the right thing by our children.
In corporate-speak, God forbid we would bring the rest of the world up to our
Class One middleclass standards instead of dropping middle America to their lowerclass poverty, where only the rich and the poor live ...no middle.
I think middle-America is worth fighting for ...again. Hear the call.